Saturday, November 16, 2013


by Joseph Wiszowaty

This letter is in response to a public post that "his dis-honor" posted on his "official" Facebook page!  How many mayors do you know that would make a public attack on a private citizen from an official Facebook page! 

A Message back to the Mayer,


I see that the Mayer wants to continue an online back-and-forth!  While decisions are difficult to make may question and the question of many residents… when are YOU going to make them public?


I think you have it wrong Mr. Mayer, your critics want you to do what is right, not for some but for all, you don’t govern for the minority, you govern for the majority too!  You’ve done enough sitting idle, you claim to be a “good man” however you’re not doing good things and it’s showing.


While you claim to be moving “forward” you continue to raise the General Fund deficit ($2.1 million today based on the 2011 audit and the $449,206 you just “borrowed”), just as your predecessor!  You remember the man you fought on EVERY SINGLE THING HE DID?  I am neither bitter nor evil, who are you to judge me, thought you were a Christian man Mr. Mayer?  I continue to do what you and I once agreed upon before you got in the big boy seat! 


You got into the Mayors job through dishonesty and being a rank opportunist rallying a minority behind a Rebel flag!  Make no mistake David you didn’t win an election with a “majority”, but time will tell on how that will shake down!  You won none the less, I am not bitter about that, that’s politics!  You only chose not to reach out to me following the election and your political lackeys (or minions or lemmings you pick) have now taken on the role of the “stupid people”!  AMEN’ing everything you say and do, while the MAJORITY sit in stunned amazement and your lack of vision!  You didn’t complain about the Facebook Page when it suited your message during Lewis Towers administration, but now you want to be critical?  Really!!!  How arrogant!


So now you seek my counsel and want my recommendations, my help and a plan to end the village’s financial situation!  The bigger questions residents should be asking is where in the Hell has yours been Mr. Mayor?  I never spoke about any invisible plan that  “invisible plan” is your plan that we are all still waiting to see.  Clearly you have never had a formulated plan or that “S.M.A.R.T.” Plan you spoke about during election time!  You are misleading the public through political bullying, and I will NOT ALLOW THAT and will continue to speak out on my opinion! 


You speak about your love of Sauk Village, funny I don’t remember your community involvement growing up in Sauk Village…  You were sequestered from the rest of Sauk Village!  The Church you attended was referred to as the “HANKS CHURCH”!  Who were you trying to kid?   Let’s get this straight, this isn’t about your Faith, I would never question that.  This is about where you were in Sauk Village before you became a police cadet?  What you were “allowed” to do and not do!  Don’t question MY LOVE for my hometown!  Who the Hell are you sir?  Sauk Village IS and ALWAYS will be my hometown and I will never forget that!  I have made lifelong friendships with many including people who religiously don’t believe the same way I do.  I do not need to be a resident to care about the people and the community that is my hometown, after all your publicist and political advisors do not live in Sauk Village and somehow they care too!


I am not inciting division; you’re doing a good enough job on your own of that!  Remember the attacks you made against the “black” people?  Putting RED “X’s” through their pictures because you didn’t agree with them labeling them as “LIARS” when you yourself are the biggest liar of them all! You have taken a community that was clearly already divided along racial lines and made it a huge fissure that will require the next Mayor to fix the mess you continue to make and perpetuate to this day! 


I work with and for nobody!  YOU SIR ARE A LIAR stop spreading lies!  You continue to LIE and mislead the people of Sauk Village and now you act like a child and not a Leader!  You are afraid to answer questions, you’re afraid to provide information to residents who you do not agree with.  I see NOTHING has changed David…. You’re the same childish David Hanks as you have always been, but now you sit in the big boy chair and have the BULLY PULPIT NOW and continue the same game!


Any time you want to sit down and discuss our differences in a neutral area, I’m all in!  You have my email, you have my phone number!  Stop the nonsense David!


I love Sauk Village and you continue the smoke and mirrors continue your lies and deception and continue your childish games!  When are you going to level with the people of Sauk Village Mr. Mayor and start acting like a leader?  When are you going to tell the people you’re going to either have to cut spending by $449,206, raise property taxes, or you lied and are not going to pay the money back to those funds you “borrowed” from?  It’s time to level with the People David!


Thank you,
Joseph Wiszowaty

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