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What is wrong with David Hanks and his main supporter and mayor wannabe Trustee Lynda "Harvey" Washington along with his gaggle of supporters these days? These people are so self absorbed, arrogant and full of a sense of entitlement that the business of the Village gets pushed aside for their own aggrandizement. Hanks disrespected and would not let the School Board President of District 168, Philip Bazile, address the Village Board of Trustees because something was not on the agenda, (NOTE: The Illinois Attorney General's Office is investigating three separate complaints filed against Mayor David Hanks and the Village of Sauk Village for violations of the Open Meetings Act for failing to let residents speak during meetings). Your Village Clerk, Debbie Williams had a meltdown at Monday's School Board meeting, demanding more time and spoke over the 3 minutes and now your attempt to remove Trustee Kelvin Jones from the Parks and Recreation Committee? Where is your mind these days! I think you have a wax ball lodged in between your ears because you are THICK and I don't mean portly!
At Tuesday night's meeting or "Political Theater Play", David Hanks was directing his actors and calls for the removal of Trustee Kelvin Jones as Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee. This was done after Hanks himself, interfered with the Committee's longstanding rules that the Chairman and the Committee were the only ones who granted access to the Community Center. Hanks didn't care about all that he did what he did. Hey Lynda Washington, you should write a play and you could have David Hanks and Debbie Williams be your lead actors and you could join right in there! I digress.
Let me step back a minute, Trustee Kelvin Jones was not permitted any input into Hanks' budget and in Hanks' Parks and Recreation Budget zero dollars was budgeted for any programs! But Hanks found $6,000 to blow up fireworks in 15 minutes for the Independence Day holiday. The only money that was allocated to Parks and Recreation was for a part-time Center Supervisor so kids can play basketball. But as what has been past practice, the Center Supervisor use to report to the Committee Chairperson. Well not so much! Hanks changed that directive and now the Center Supervisor answer to someone at Village Hall!
David Hanks has not attended a single event hosted by the Parks and Recreation Department since the April election! Last night Hanks said he wasn't invited. Really? So all those reports that Jones gave announcing events last year and inviting people to attend wasn't good enough King David, you want an engraved invitation too! This shows your complete contempt for anyone who disagrees with you or has the audacity to question you as a leader. You're pathetic!
I submit to you, David Hanks, that you intentionally set Trustee Jones up for failure and despite your efforts you have failed. Here are the FACTS:
1. You David Hanks and your treacherous-trio of Bobble Head Trustees pushed through with YOUR VOTE an unbalanced budget in 2015-16 which called for revenues of $34,854 from property taxes levied on homeowners (that would exclude you David Hanks and Lynda Washington)
2. You David Hanks and your treacherous-trio of Bobble Head Trustees approved a budget for Parks and Recreation calling for a $335,000 grant which you knew would not be funded in 2015-16, but it sure made you feel good as if you were doing something for the community!
3. You David Hanks and your treacherous-trio of Bobble Head Trustees approved a budget for Parks and Recreation total expense of $24,154 ($10,635.82 for a Center Supervisor position, $6,000 for your Fireworks, $500 for a phone and $7,000 for Operating Supplies). This means you took $10,700 and used it to balance your chicken wire budget on the backs of the kids of Sauk Village!
4. You David Hanks and your 5 Bobble Heads, after the April, 2015 election and prior to Jones and Tates being sworn in as Trustees were intentionally left out of budget hearings and talks and were not permitted to give their input into your joke of a budget for 2015-16. Yet your two lame-duck Trustees sat on the Village Board mute, dumb and ignorant.
5. With 6 months into the budget, only $13,550 was spent for Parks and Recreations out of the $24,154 that Hanks Budgeted! ($6,745 for the Center Supervisor, $6090 for Hanks' Fireworks, leaving $706 which was spent for telephone and operating supplies!
6. Zero dollars was spent on programs, because zero dollars was include in the budget for programs!
Do you really think that people should be out begging for even more money on the corners of Sauk Village to fund Parks and Recreations programs when you tax homeowners $34,854 but have only spent $13,550 as of December 1st?
Instead of calling for the Treasurer James Griegel's removal from office, an admitted criminal, you take the political low ground and use your last opportunity to speak during the meeting in a weak attempt to remove Trustee Jones from Parks and Recreation? My question King David, when did your sorry ass ever attempt to run the Parks and Recreation Committee? You sat your lazy ass on the Village Board for 13 plus years and never once did you volunteer to help Mary Seery, nor offer to take over and give her a break! The only kids in Sauk Village you give a damn about are your own, as you should, but YOU also should give a damn about the youth in the Village. You clearly have demonstrated you do not! You are one sorry excuse for a Mayor! You're a liar, an opportunist, arrogant and so self absorbed with your own power, you make the Emperor from Star Wars look like a Saint! As the residents of Sauk Village, you should resign but you are too arrogant and ignorant to figure that out.
NOTE: Ed Myers chastised David Hanks for his behavior and actions and left the meeting! Good job Ed, maybe you're seeing the light, we'll see.
whats my THICK pookie doing