Sunday, May 17, 2020


Victory at what cost? It's Costing YOU
Opinion Editorial
Shortly after their election victory in April, 2019 the newly elected and the one chosen by a “coin flip” trustees Debbie Williams, Sherry Jasinski and flip-flopper Gary Bell conspired and created a scheme with Trustees Bernice Brewer and Linda Todd to:

  • First- get rid of Mayor Derrick Burgess’ hires and shut down the progress the Village made from 2017 to 2019. ---CHECK! 
  • The second part of their plan was to get things back to the “old ways” on how things were done at Village Hall.  ---CHECK!
  • The third part of their scheme was to bring in a hired gun someone who could lay down the law and be the antagonist to Mayor Derrick Burgess. ---UM...WELL....

The new Fanatical Five Trustees, as they have been collectively called by residents (the new BOBBLE HEADS), settled on Christopher Williams, the former Village Administrator from Hazel Crest.  Christopher Williams worked at Hazel Crest and as a Village Administrator for five whole
Social Media Post:  July 18, 2019  Note- Trustee Rodrick Grant
was the only "NO" vote to hire Christopher Williams
months before they brought him to Sauk Village.   Christopher Williams clearly did not have the requisite experience to do the job.  Mayor Derrick Burgess had clearly seen this fatal flaw from day one.  Not to mention Mayor Derrick Burgess, who earns $20,000 per year to serve as Mayor was running the day to day operations of the Village just fine for two years at that salary in order to save Sauk Village money.  Never the less, the Fanatical Five led by Debbie Williams hired Christopher Williams for a Salary and benefits exceeding $112,000 per year.  Additionally, they even allowed him to work less than 8 hours per day and less than 5 days per week without questions nor accountability.  

Mayor Derrick Burgess tried to reason with the Five Trustees stating he did not ask for a Village Administrator to which Sherry Jasinski smugly chimed in during the election “you’re going to get one anyway”. Burgess attempted to block the measure vetoing the ill-written Ordinance that they passed to create the position to no avail as the 5 Trustees over-rode his veto. 

Social Media Post:  August 10, 2019
So PROUD the small minded
political opposition was on the hollow
judicial victory that cost taxpayers
Then these five trustees, led by Debbie Williams the whole time, sued Mayor Burgess to force the mayor “from interfering with the hiring of the (Trustees’) new administrator…” (Christopher Williams).  Of course all this cost taxpayers of Sauk Village tens of thousands of dollars to fight the Mayor.  The five Trustees prevailed in court and Christopher Williams was imposed in August of 2019.   Debbie Williams said following her hollow victory in August, 2019: What we need is a ‘Kumbaya’ moment, because we need to get the politics and the personalities out of the village. It’s hurting us.”- Courtesy Chicago Tribune August 11, 2019. No kidding Debbie!  You’re the biggest political mess that has dropped on Sauk Village.  You’re an opportunist who will not just simply go away!  But that’s ok we will remind the residents of what you really and truly are! 

Now, what did Mayor Burgess say after the court room follies in August, 2019:  “What else can I say?” Burgess said Friday of the judge’s decision. “It is what it is.” He said he was willing to work with the new village administrator, but did not agree with the way he was hired, and expressed concern about what it might portend for Sauk Village’s future.  “I hope it doesn’t become a political bonfire, which it seems like it might,” said Burgess, who has repeatedly criticized what he views as the new board’s efforts to take power from him and diminish his authority as mayor. - Courtesy Chicago Tribune August 11, 2019

Even then Mayor Burgess knew that the hiring of Christopher Williams would become a “political bonfire…”  The same Fanatical Five Trustees that voted to bring him in as administrator now delivered to him an ultimatum, resign and walk away quietly or they will fire you.   Bernice Brewer, is crying “not me…. Not me…”  Brewer and her friends even tried to play the “race card”!  But Let us remind you residents, taxpayers and voters of Sauk Village this crazy big mouth woman supported Debbie Williams, Sherry Jasinski and Gary Bell during their election in 2019.  Yes she supported Gary Bell, the same person that put out more racist posts on social media that Bernice Brewer sat silent about.  But Bernice Brewer is on her own mad dash for power to clash with Debbie Williams once again over that elusive office of Mayor.  It slipped through Bernice Brewer’s fingers in 2013 and was denied Debbie Williams daughter by a two to one margin in 2017.  They thought they had this in 2019, but clearly this message speaks for itself.    

The biggest victim of the scheme to defraud the residents of Sauk Village by Debbie Williams and her crazy cohorts of bubbling buffoons and their insane peanut gallery is truly the Taxpayers of Sauk Village!  You voted for this big sloppy mess that literally “fecal mattered” all over themselves.  There is no recovering from this one the taxpayers of Sauk Village!  You screwed up ROYALLY with these clowns in this circus!   You got hoodwinked AGAIN by Debbie Williams, now you’re going to pay the price. 

Social Media Post from Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The residents voted for CHANGE in 2017, but in 2019 these Trustees conspired to stop all efforts of Mayor Derrick Burgess had promised, “Getting Sauk Village back on a pathway to progress”.  Burgess and his team worked very hard for two years from 2017-2019 to do just that despite the scheme that some fell for in 2019 which brought us the Fanatical Five.  Derrick Burgess was right all along!   We told you so!  And I’m not hating to tell you this time. 

Steve LaRock
Editor of the Sauk Village, Illinois Facebook Page

Oh, PS-  If you believe a FAKE name on Facebook is providing you with factual information, think again!  If you like FAKE NEWS, the antics of Lynda Washington a rejected candidate for mayor and rejected Trustee and you like bullshit?  You'll really love the fake Bob Murphy page!

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely written. No comment on the content. I really enjoyed the writing it kept me engaged and entertained. Nice work!
