Friday, January 29, 2021


by Concerned Citizens| Debbie Williams wants to be mayor so badly, but she has proven herself a liar for the last 11 years!  We can roll tape and we will!  Now let’s tear apart her malicious lies she recently put out on Facebook which do nothing but further divide Sauk Village.


1-      She falsely claims that Derrick Burgess “acted as dictator” when he exercised his statutory authority to block the hiring of a Village Administrator that cost you $130,000 for a job that he has been doing for $20,000 from 2017 until Debbie showed up again in 2019.  Instead of the Trustees compromising on the matter, they sued the Mayor.  The Fanatical Five Trustees brought in their handpicked unqualified and incapable Village Administrator they sued the Mayor to force their guy in.  This resulted in tens of thousands in legal fees that you taxpayers are paying!    Then in less than 10 months they FIRE the guy with no public explanation!  This proved that Mayor Burgess was RIGHT from the START and they failed.  This could have been avoided if the Divider-in-Chief had come into office in 2019 humble and willing to work with Mayor Burgess.  They had ONE GOAL- STOP ALL PROGRESS MAYOR BURGESS WAS MAKING AT ALL COSTS. 


2-      Debbie now changes her story to rewrite history and claims she took a “sponsored trip” to Washington DC in July, 2013.  But at that time she called it a “personal trip at my own expense….”  A PROVEN LIAR!  Debbie fought a Freedom of Information Act Request for 3 years despite the FACT that the Illinois Attorney General Issued a Binding Opinion.  Then Debbie and the taxpayer funded attorney filed suit against the Illinois Attorney General to continue to block production of documents which proved Debbie was a liar!  Then Debbie lies again and says that this was all Mayor Burgess’ fault?  REALLY DEBBIE?   You’re lying again.  FUN FACT:  you and your crew fought the ex-Mayor Lewis Towers, the guy you ran with in 2009, on bringing Lake Michigan Water to Sauk Village.  So when you are buying bottled water at the store, be sure and thank Debbie Williams and her wrecking crew for that.   


3-      Debbie is a powerful and productive person?  Really at what? Well you’re powerful at spending taxpayers money we will admit that as far as productive, I’m sure you’re the top producer of Avon and Pampered Chef out of anyone in Sauk Village.  As far as “lawsuits and union discussions” costing taxpayers $225,000.  DAMN!  Funny, however, a search of legal fees during 2017-2019 did not amount to near that amount in one year.  I think your math and lies are really fuzzy Debbie and are costing taxpayers far too much.


4-      Debbie claims her values are not to divide, however, your actions speak louder than words.  You are ROTTEN TO THE CORE!  You mischaracterize a candidate's statement to pit white against black once in hopes to RALLY the white voters like you did in 2019.  You make wild accusations about a black challenging a black in an election.  But you make no reference to your “campaign manager” or “Travelgate Companion'' Pat Couch filing a failed and frivolous challenge against Carolyn Farmer, a black candidate for the McConathy Library.   You and your foolish friends post on social media “let the residents decide” until it hits a little too close to home.


5-      Debbie stated many times “I don’t get on Facebook” but she has spent an enormous amount of time composing hateful messages under alias and now under her own name.  AGAIN.  She is a pathological liar.    


Debbie one thing is for certain, you would not know what INTEGRITY was if it was sitting on your plate of food in front of you for dinner!   A pathological liar believes their own lies, you definitely do.  Debbie YOU’RE A LIAR and it’s been proven. 

The only reason that this election will be “ugly” is because you’re in it!  You will continue with your “ugly” LIES and stretch the hell out of the truth to make yourself look better! Why? Because you do not have enough real accomplishments you have done to run on your own merit!


Sauk Village suffered for 8 long years with you in public office before the residents tired of you and tossed you out on your ass!  The voters will reject you and your foolish Fanatical Five again!

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