By Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | This is Sauk Village's year in Reveiw. There has not been a local paper in Sauk Village since the demise of the Community News. Since 2010, we have been keeping you informed and updated on news that matters about Sauk Village. We understand that some may not always agree with our editorial point of view and that is what makes the 1st Amendment such a wonderful thing! I get to voice my opinion on matters as many do likewise.
The top news stories about Sauk Village from 2013. You can
CLICK the "Continue Reading" link to read the complete stories. The 2013 election dominated much of the first few months of 2013, however, there were many other interesting stories along the way besides politics that impact residents on a daily basis.
We lost many good Villagers, both current and former, this year including one of Sauk Village's original residents-
Nadine Cook and also Mary Griegel, Nijola Lileikis, Dr. Milton Curry, James F. Stengel, Sr., Jessica Jane Glaze, John "John the Butcher" Wojcicki, Jr., Raymond Gavin, Matt Murphy, Adele Werner, Diontae "Red" Erwin, Robert Loveland, James Zagotta, Bobby Griegel, Doris Brannan, Patrick Haase, Margaret Tobin, and John P. LaRock, Sr.
Our Sauk Village Facebook page began 2013 with around 2,300 followers of our page and as we approach the end of the year we have added about 900 new friends throughout the year. Our TOP STORY occured September 7th but we have compiled the top stories for 2013 and here they are as they occurred:
January 4th:
Candidates Face Challenges to Remain on Ballot
SAUK VILLAGE | It seems that the influences of former Mayor Lewis
Towers are alive and well and working through the campaign of Bernice
Houston and Francine Anderson’s campaign.
January 5th:
By Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | A fatal accident occurred Saturday
morning in the 2100 block of Sauk Trail just west of Orion Avenue. An
auto recovery vehicle driven by Shawn Brewster, age 36 of Crete was
January 6th:
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | Former Sauk Village Trustee
Matthew Murphy passed away peacefully on December 17, 2012 at his home
in Mesa Arizona. Murphy served from the Village's incorporation until
1973 after completing 4 terms on t...
January 23, 2013:
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | The challenges against all
candidates brought by what some are calling pawns of Bernice Houston and
Francine Anderson's Citizens for Empowerment Party were all thrown out
following Wednesday evening's electoral board hearing.
Jacqueline Ford failed to appear for the hearing after being served
notice, the Electoral Board dismissed all challenges brought against
Lynda Washington who is running for Trustee. Coincidently, Washington...
January 24, 2013:
VILLAGE | It seems like all of the Illinois-Indiana border
communities are losing out to Indiana these days, Sauk Village is not
immune. When it comes to economic development, it’s a dog-eat-dog
competition many local leaders say.
Dawn Food Products,
headquartered in Jackson, Michigan announced that the will be
consolidating their Crown Point and Munster, Indiana facilities into one
distribution center. They announced that they will build a new
120,000 square-fo...
February 1, 2013:
44 Year Old Shot Dead
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | Sauk Village Police responded to a call at 2946 East
223rd Street with initial reports of a male subject down. Officers
arrived and found a male subject with a gunshot wound to the body. The
subject was...
March 13, 2013:
Village Clerk Takes 3 Years to Get Job Done
Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | The Village Clerk Debbie Williams cried “politics” but
many residents in the audience and one of her opponents Marva
Cambell-Pruitt say that the Village Clerk has not been doing her job
For the second straight board meeting
Williams had numerous minutes from executive sessions to be approved by
the Village Board. Last night there were 28 sets of executive session
minutes from May, 2011 to December, 2011 on the agenda...
March 20, 2013:
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | The Village Board had a special meeting called by the
acting-mayor David Hanks to approve 28 sets of executive session minutes
from 2011. The minutes were the center of controversy at last weeks
meeting prompting Village Clerk candidate Marva Campbell-Pruitt to
recite State law that minutes should be reviewed twice a year to
determine if there is resolution, if notice must be given at an open
meeting as to why they are to remain confidenti...
March 30, 2013:
CAMPAIGN GETS UGLY - Altercation over Campaign Signs
By Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | An apparent verbal altercation took place late this
morning at Sauk Plaza involving supporters of David Hanks and Enoch
Benson, both of whom are seeking election next Tuesday. The incident
apparently involved campaign signs.
Benson was
placing his campaign signs in Sauk Plaza and Chuck Thompson, sometimes
pastor of the controversial Sauk Village Baptist Church and campaign
manager of Hanks’ campaign, apparently took exception to Bens...
April 9, 2013:
By Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | A 32 year quest by the Hanks family to win the office of Sauk Village Mayor proved to be successful as the fourth time turned out to to be the charm! With 19% of the eligible voters turning out to the
polls on election day or 1,452 people casting ballots, less than the
2011 election just two short years ago, the people have spoken.
David Hanks was elected with 46%, less than a majority, of the vote or 654 votes over Derrick
Burgess 27% (390) the next nearest contender was Village Trustee Enoch
Benson with 203 vote or 14%, and Bernice Houston 177 votes or 12% of the
overall vote. Burgess will retain hi...
April 11, 2013:
Longest Serving Trustee Ray Gavin Dies
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | The longest serving Trustee in Sauk Village history
has passed away, Raymond Gavin passed away peacefully Sunday morning .
Gavin served as Village Trustee from 1967-1986 he was instrumental in
the Village’s inoculation clinics and served as Chairman of the Public
Health & Sanitation Committee during his long tenure on the Village
Board. “Ray was a good guy and he did a lot for Sauk Village and
particularly the children of the villag...
May 1, 2013:
Davenport Elected D-168 President following Deadlock
By Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | District 168 School Board bid farewell to Maxine
Towers, former first lady of Sauk Village who lost her re-election bid
to newcomer Deloris Green was sworn-in as the newest board member
tonight. The Board presented Towers with flowers and a plaque for her
service to the district. Towers had worked with the school board
despite the politics and direction of her husband, the former Mayor
Lewis Towers had taken. The school Board and Villag...
May 14, 2013:
Hanks takes Oath; Officials sworn-in
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | Village officials were sworn-in last night at a full
Village Hall with what turned out to be too many reserved seats for
guests of the new officials. Many residents were relegated to the back
rows while the first several rows were blocked off and reserved, later
in the meeting while members of the audience were left standing, they
were invited to take the empty seats.
David Hanks was sworn in as 7th Mayor of Sauk Village quoting former Pre...
June 4, 2013:
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | The window of a school bus carrying students of Wagoner
Elementary School was shattered after being hit with what may have been
a BB on Monday afternoon.
One window of a school bus was shot at
the end of the school day in the 22500 block of Jeffrey Avenue according
to School District 168 officials.
"It appears that a BB gun or a
rock broke-out a bus window" District 168 Superintendent Al Travaglini
said. The principal of Wagoner School Kat...
June 11, 2013:
Sauk Village trying "Speed Meetings"
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | In only what could be described as speed meeting the
Village Board of Trustees flew through the agenda in just over 30
minutes. A definite contrast to what had become long and political
rambling meetings of political posturing. While certainly not the
fastest meeting ever held, it was short.
There were absolutely no
questions from the audience, which could have only been specific to the
actions of the village board last night. This in co...
June 28, 2013:
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | When you are expecting your paycheck to be in your
checking account and you find out there's no money to pay your bills,
who do you turn to blame.
Village officials knew on Tuesday night
at their board meeting that there was not enough money to cover payroll,
yet nothing as discussed publicly regarding the matter. No vote was
taken to transfer money from what has become the Village's piggy bank,
the water fund, on Tuesday during the publi...
July 23, 2013:
RECAP By Joseph Wiszowaty
Sauk Village's Clerk Debbie Williams, and her daughter Village Trustee Rosie Williams, apparently took what she calls a "personal trip" on the dime of what she calls "sponsors" or village vendors.
Friend political supporter and Housing Commission Chairman, Gary Holcomb who video recorded the meeting was apparently asked not to post the video of July 23, 2013 as it was not flattering to Debbie Williams. A Freedom of Information Act request was essentially denied by the Village and a request for review has been filed with the Illinois Attorney General's office into the matter. Lisa Madigan's office continues their review at the time of this year end review, but details will be released as they develop... STAY TUNED!
August 22, 2013:
By Joseph Wiszowaty
I think David Hanks said this best when he said on March 20th “I
believe people won’t take pride in their village until village
government sets the example”. I couldn’t agree more! The Travelgate
Scandal is a fine example of exactly what Hanks said. How can people
take pride in Village Government when David Hanks won’t force the matter
to be made open and transparent? Where is the leadership here? Where
is the pride? ...
September 5, 2013:
By Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | When Marva Campbell-Pruitt started pulling weeds out of
the overgrown flower beds with some residents 3 years ago, nobody
complained. In fact, Campbell-Pruitt stepped up to chair not one but two
Village Com...
September 7, 2013:
Mother Charged with Murder of Son
By Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | On Saturday, September 7, 2013 at
about 12:16 p.m. the Sauk Village Police Department responded to a
reported stabbing incident at 1794 223rd Street. Diontae Erwin, age 17,
was transported to Saint Margaret Hospital in Dyer, Indiana and
pronounced dead at 12:41 p.m. by Cathleen McGovern M.D. Diontae Erwin
suffered a fatal stab wound to the chest.
The Sauk Village Police Department, Illinois State Police Crime Scene Investigations an...
September 24, 2013:
RECAP By Joseph Wiszowaty
Timothy Holevis' appointment by Mayor David Hanks is ratified by the Village Board of Trustees with only Village Trustee Lynda Washington voting to abstain. Hanks' appointment of Holevis surprised some as he had only recently recommended hiring the R.E.M. Group to search for a police chief. Hanks now wants the R.E.M. Group to search for a Deputy Chief of Police and help the department implement "efficiencies".
October 11, 2013:
Village Receives Bids for Air Strippers, but still No Money
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | Bids were open on Tuesday night for the permanent Air
Strippers at all three wells. Well #3 has been shut down since 2009
since the levels of vinyl chloride continued to rise higher than what
the IEPA thought was safe.
The air strippers will remove the vinyl chloride from the water by
an aeration process of blowing air into the water and the vinyl chloride
is released from the water into a gas form and released. The process
thus far has been successful since the Village was forced to install the
temporary air strippers on Wells #1 and #2 on Sauk Trail last summer....
Click HERE Continue Reading
October 15, 2013:
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | The Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan's
office continues their review the Village's denial of information under
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) over what has become known as
In July, 2013, Village Clerk Debbie Williams, Village Trustee Rosie
Williams and now Police Pension Board member Patricia Couch attended a
Building One America Organization's meeting in Washington D.C. raised
money using the Village's taxpayer funded website and posted other
material on the Village website as well. Williams claims that this was a
"personal trip", however, some argue that the public does not have
access to Village assets, like the village's website, to solicit village
vendors and post their personal trip photos and video.
***CLICK HERE to Continue reading more***
November 12, 2013:
by Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE | The Village is once again coming up short and
cannot pay the debt on the Village Hall and two other bond issues which were
for the Village's 9-1-1 Center and a Fire Truck. The 2007 series A-B and C
Bonds are considered “Alternate Revenue Bonds” and were to be paid back by
monies other than property taxes which hasn’t worked out too well for the
Village since 2011. The Village Board
was scheduled to vote on moving funds around in order to pay the debt service
on the bonds, however, the Village Clerk Debbie Williams forgot to put the
Resolution on Tuesday’s agenda. Now the
Village Board will hold a special meeting in order to vote on the resolution
this Thursday...
November 27, 2013:

By Joseph Wiszowaty
| Just two weeks ago, Mayor David Hanks
recommended that the village board borrow $449,206 from the Village’s water
fund, a dedicated noise mitigation fund and funds which were from the Cell
Tower agreement so it could pay its debt service on the Village Hall and other
obligations. The Village voted at a
special meeting to replace the money with the property tax installment by the
end of March, 2014....
November 30, 2013:
By Joseph Wiszowaty
| Everyone remembers how former Mayor Lewis Towers, who
still works at the Cook County Assessor’s office, filed for dual
exemptions on his house in Chicago and his house in Sauk Village. All
of his political opponents pounced on him for ripping of the taxpayers
and how wrong it was and how he should go to jail. Well, during
the last election, a “stinky” flyer also came out making claims about
Hanks and some questionable matters as well....
December 10, 2013:
By Joseph Wiszowaty
Village officials took action at their meeting Tuesday to ensure the
Village will receive their property tax revenues in 2014. The board voted 5 to 0 for the 2013/14
Property Tax Levy. No residents or Village officials asked any questions about the Tax Levy Ordinance.
The amount of property taxes requested in the levy was $3.2
million according....
December 30, 2013:
CHICAGO (CN) - Roadway Express and the owner-operators of an illegal
90-foot high, 40-acre landfill contaminated drinking water with
carcinogenic vinyl chloride, residents of a far south suburb of Chicago
say in a class action.
Lead plaintiff Kenneth Allen, of Sauk
Village, sued YRC Worldwide, Roadway Express, Arcadis U.S., and Lincoln
Limited, in Cook County Court....