Sunday, March 31, 2019


ENDORSEMENT- Let's Continue the Progress NOT go back to the Politics!
By Steve LaRock
With the early voting ending Monday Sauk Village residents are urged to RUN... do not walk to the polls! You can get a head start on Tuesday's Municipal Elections by going to vote at the Lynwood Senior-Youth Center at 21490 Lincoln Highway, Lynwood, IL 9am - 5pm, This Monday, April 1st is the last day... and that is no April Fool's joke!  If you are not registered to vote, you will need 2 forms of identification; one with your current address on it and you will be able to register AND VOTE the same day!  You will not be able to register and vote on Election Day Tuesday, April 2nd; you must do so on Monday or you miss the boat!  Voters will be going to their local polling places Tuesday from 6am to 7pm Tuesday, April 2nd

Sauk Village has come a long way in just 2 short years under the leadership of Mayor Derrick Burgess.  We have come from the prior administration's "forward motions" which were really backward politics with a big case of do nothing for 8 long years.  Mayor Burgess promised CHANGE in 2017 and he certainly has delivered on that commitment thanks to Trustees Beth Zupon and Ronald Carter.  Zupon, Carter and newcomer Arnold Coleman embrace the Village's Strategic Plan for Progress and the new 2019 Comprehensive Plan.  

The opponents running for election and challenging Mayor Burgess are politically and personally motivated and they offer no plan of their own but are clearly about stopping Progress for Sauk Village, and frankly that's not good for residents.   

Beth Zupon, Ronald Carter and Arnold Coleman
BETH ZUPON, RONALD CARTER AND ARNOLD COLEMAN!  These three are TRUE "Independent candidates" who are the People United for Progress.  Willing to investigate and research each proposal before voting and doing the job to make sure that Sauk Village stays on that Pathway to Progress.  They will fairly represent all of the residents of Sauk Village.  They are the ONLY HOPE for continuing the Progress that Sauk Village has begun to make the last two years.  Admittedly they know that they have much more work ahead of them but they're committed to doing the job.  They will ensure that balanced budgets and lower taxes will continue, they will ensure more economic development and responsible spending with resident's tax dollars.

Zupon, Carter and Coleman will ensure that Village Government continues to be open, honest and transparent process. Sauk Village residents and taxpayers deserve these Trustees because they truly care about the community, not exacting vengeance and playing politics.

ZUPON currently serves on the Village Board of Trustees and who brings dialogue and a level of professionalism that had been lacking for many years.  Zupon is a no nonsense Trustee who is willing to listen to the opinions and concerns of others she may not agree with.  Zupon currently serves as chairperson of the Village Board's Public Safety Committee, has volunteered for many years for village events and recently brought back the Village's newsletter Sauk Talk and is working to update the Village's outdated website.  Zupon has been a homeowner for 19 years and is Vice President of a major Chicago Investment Bank. 

Zupon has earned your trust and deserves to be re-elected.

CARTER stepped up to serve our nation as a US Army Veteran and he stepped up to serve the people of Sauk Village.  Ronald Carter has served as Village Trustee filling the vacancy when Kelvin Jones resigned from the board after moving from town in 2017.  Carter has volunteered in community and is willing to help out our veterans as well.  Carter is retired after having served in law enforcement his entire career serving as Chief of Police of a south suburban community and the Cook County Department of Corrections for many years.  Carter has proven he can make the tough decisions when he stepped up to serve Sauk Village.  Carter will definitely fill in where outgoing Trustee Cecial Tates is leaving off.  He will be the only veteran on the Village Board of Trustees and Sauk Village has always honored their veterans.  

CARTER has earned your trust and proven he is no fool!  He deserves your vote!  

COLEMAN is the newcomer among all the candidate seeking to become your Village Trustee.  Coleman is married, retired from the legal field where he served as a paralegal and process server for many years.  Coleman still balances his check book the old fashion way; using a check book ledger and not an iPhone! COLEMAN is known to be frugal with his finances and is fiscally responsible.  He will be just as frugal and financially responsible with the taxpayers money too!    COLEMAN has volunteered for many ongoing events in the Village.   He served on the Village's Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee offering very helpful insight into crafting the plan for Sauk Village.    COLEMAN will truly be the breath of fresh air with new ideas, which Mayor Derrick Burgess and his colleagues embrace.  

COLEMAN deserves a vote and will work hard to earn your trust and confidence!    

We hope you consider your vote for these three candidates for Village Board and please consider a vote for 

TAMMY JONES, RaDONNA BROWN and BRANDIE JACKSON-WILLIAMS for School Board Member for Community Consolidated School District 168.  These three women are committed to the success of Sauk Village schools which include raising our standards.