Sunday, February 23, 2014


The Mayer!
by Joseph Wiszowaty
The "Davidians" are hard at work trying to justify and "spin" the necessity of "the Mayer" David "Hatchet Man" Hanks recent axing of long-time Village employees Lisa Gibbons and Rich Atwood!  So says one of the mouth pieces of this Administration.... Once a supporter of the hard working men and women of the Village now to hell with them! And to hell with those who have the audacity to question and shine light into this very dark and secretive administration who moves in the shadows!

This is the worst mayor in Sauk Village's history failing to create a plan to move the village forward and publishing it which he criticized an opponent for the same thing! UNILATERALLY creating a huge budget deficit by borrowing money to balance a budget held together with chicken wire (as one of the Davidians said about the last budget Lewis Towers passed). 14 years on the village board, Mayer, and you still don't get it?

What Mayer in any village unilaterally lays off a "select" two without the input of the department heads? What idiot would not go to the department heads to discuss tactical budgetary measures and agree to what needs to be cut out of the budget? WHO? I tell you who...this administration of David Hanks!

A good leader would let those that they put in charge make the "tough decisions" not screw the department and do so without the department head proposing those cuts! This is the inept and slothful leadership you elected Sauk Village... take a real good look and stop looking at this commentary as a personal attack... THESE ARE FACTS!!! 

YEAH I get that Rich Atwood was not liked by a few in the department because some wanna be chief and would have had to go through him... I get that some in the police department resented Lisa because they perceived her as "running" the department.... well with 23 years of experience at it, she knew how to. Nobody complained when Frank Martin or the idiot Robert Fox was there when Lisa had to take their crap every day! Fact is, these two were sacrificial lambs.... expendable by this administration!  

Anybody who works at a "real" job would have an inclination of how to properly notify an employee that they are being laid off!  For a family man of ten kids, David is showing his lack of class and uncouth! 
Loyalty means nothing to this administration! That is unless you vote in Sauk Village and had a HANKS/WILLIAMS and taped over MORDEN AND MYERS signs in your yard! Be aware this administration will lie to your face without blinking and stab you in the back in a second!

How unprofessional!  I understand that there needs to be cuts made, after all David Hanks has been spending money like a drunk sailor in a strip bar after being out to sea for 10 years!  But he's been spending your tax dollars people WAKE UP, START ASKING QUESTIONS AND HOLD THIS MAN ACCOUNTABLE!  Better watch this man and the Bobble Head Board and end the reckless spending for lobbyist, "T-Shirts", signs and banners none of which the Village can afford while other vendors go unpaid!

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