Bernice Brewer |
Village Trustee Bernice Brewer has claimed she
wants to “follow the money” but what she didn't tell taxpayers of Sauk Village
she was going to follow it into her own pocket! Over the course of the
last nearly three years Brewer has been in office, it’s clear she can barely
pay attention, has not held a single meeting for the Village's Public Services
Committee, a committee which was established by Mayor Burgess in 2017 to
address streets, sidewalks, street lights, dead trees, and developing a plan
for Lake Michigan water.
Village Trustees voted Tuesday night to pay
Brewer off to settle a Freedom of Information Act request that she engaged
lawyers to file on her behalf. Trustee Rodrick Grant was the only “no”
vote. The request dates back to when Village Clerk Marva Campbell Pruitt
was acting as FOIA Officer for the Village right before she abruptly resigned
from that duty. In the prior two administrations taxpayers footed the
bill to have Village Attorney’s respond to simple FOIA request for documents and
paid $165 per hour to fulfill those requests. Following
Campbell-Pruitt’s resignation from her FOIA duties, the FOIA duties fell upon
Mary Klopp who was earning only $9,600 per year she received no extra for their
duties as FOIA officer and fulfilled every request made according to the
Village officials are now paying the Village
Administrator $90,000 and he is using Village Attorney’s to fulfill FOIA
requests costing taxpayers an additional $165 per hour which is a massive waste
of taxpayer dollars.
Brewer, who has been on the Village Board
continues to complain about virtually everything offering no solutions, has
aligned herself with four other Trustees Debbie Williams, Linda Todd, Sherry
Jasinski and Gary Bell comprising what we have termed the “Fanatical Five”
Trustees, effectively the new “Bobbleheads”. Each of the Fanatical Five
team apparently has a personal and political axe to grind on Mayor Derrick
Burgess which makes sense that they would want to effectively shut down any
progress the Village was making and complete opposition to anything the Mayor
has wanted to do. It had taken them 6 months to put a budget together and
approve because they wanted the Mayor's part-time assistant Mary Klopp because
they claimed there was not $9,600 in the budget even though the Fanatical Five
have spent some $20,000 plus per month paying Village Attorneys to handle
routine FOIA requests.
Debbie Williams- She is "big mad" at Derrick
Burgess for many reasons, but most recently her axe to grind is because she
lost her re-election as Village Clerk in 2017 to Marva Campbell-Pruitt and her
daughter lost as mayor to Burgess as she attempted to take over Village
Hall. Funny how soon residents forgot because some of those same people
voted for her as Trustee in 2019, but they will be reminded in 2021 when she
runs for Mayor, again! Debbie is trying
to be “they mayer” by routinely bombarding Village Administrator Chris Williams
with nonsense and trying to micromanage him like he is her personal
puppet. This woman still does not know
how to “swim in her lane” like she was once told.

Sherry Jasinski- Sherry had the biggest axe to
grind! Mayor Derrick Burgess cut her loose as the Village's Community
Development Director. Talk about a "do nothing" Director,
Sherry was paid some $69,000 per year and also was cleaning Village Hall on
Village time on many occasions under a no-bid contract which ended in
2017. Of course she has an axe to grind!
Linda Todd- She's drinking, traveling and golfing buddies with Sherry
and her clique so she's going to go along with her "friends".
She is effectively a patsy and cannot make up her own mind because she doesn't
want to piss her friends off. Oh and her brother also works for the
Village too so she's got to make sure that her little brother is all taken care
of. After all if you did not know someone at Village Hall, drink with
them you could never have gotten a job working in the Village, back then
"they took care of their own... kind". They just never said
"kind" but that's how it was folks.
Gary Bell- Well he didn't get to be Fire Chief and was not allowed
back on the fire department, was cut loose from ESDA and refers to
"certain people of color" as "those people" and
"golden ghetto" and "TNT- typical nigger trama" (Quoting a post he made on social media) yes that's
how he spelt trauma! So instead of working toward progress he joined
forces with the fanatical five to shut it down.
Now it appears that the Fanatical Five are
looking for payouts at the taxpayers’ expense! They want a “forensic
audit” which is not likely to show any wrong doing, unless they go back and
look at the record of previous administrations. If you want to “follow
the money” Brewer, here are a few items you can look at if you’re looking for
dirt. Maybe someone (maybe many) will go directly to jail and not pass
Bullet Proof Vest
Grants which were not purchased until far later with illegal reports to DOJ
Fire Engine Grant
Money from 2008-2009 and the lack of segregation co-mingling of funds
COPS Grants from 2009
and 2014 and the lack of segregation co-mingling of funds, where are all those police officers?
OSLAD Grant Money from
2015-16 and the lack of segregation illegal co-mingling of fund
Illegal “borrowing” of
funds from the water fund, no public votes from 2008-2016
Illegal “consensus”
meetings held by the Trustees from 2013-2017 under David Hanks’s regime and
Debbie Williams as clerk
Theft of Village funds
by Village Clerk in 2013 for a “personal trip” to Washington DC
Employees being paid
outside of the terms of Collective Bargaining Agreements 2009-2016
Sherry Jasinski’s
over-paid IMRF Pension
10. No Surety Bonds for the Trustees as required
by the Village Code
11. Routinely amassing over $1 million in unpaid
bills due to malfeasance
12. Ongoing Litigation in US District Court by
long-time employee and Police Sergeant Rebecca Sailsbery who was berated by
then Mayor David Hanks during public meetings he hosted to attack her character
and her sex.
13. A 14 year Contract Extension on a No-Bid
Garbage Contract
14. Disgraced Village Treasurer James Griegel indicted and
convicted by the Feds for embezzling funds from the Village with no follow up
forensic audit of the Police Pension Fund or Village Funds? No forensic audit of the Police Pension Fund
to find out where the actuarial data is for pensions being paid out. Hmmm something really shady here.
Funny ALL of the above had NOTHING to do with the Administration of Derrick Burgess but they want a forensic audit? Let's start with the REAL problems here and address those first! So Trustee Bernice Brewer and your Fanatical Five Wrecking Crew,
if you want to do a forensic audit to find out the TRUTH about “where the money
at”. I suggest you start here with the
above. Maybe you can find out why the broken fire "hydrates" as you call them Bernice are not fixed, or the broken streetlights, or potholes are still not fixed. Do something! Better yet how about just resign now and save the taxpayers of Sauk Village some money and a headache of hearing your screechy voice every week.