Wednesday, May 21, 2014


By Joseph Wiszowaty
SAUK VILLAGE |  Sauk Village Housing Commission Chairperson Gary Holcomb crossed the line said resident Leannette Scott who complained about her personal identity articles being publicly published by the Sauk Village Housing Commission Chairman.

According to Holcomb’s Facebook pages, on May 7th, and his report to the Mayor and Board of Trustees on May 13th, Holcomb and some of his Housing Commissioners volunteered to clean up a private lot at 22200 block of Yates Avenue.  This long abandoned and neglected home had been the location of illegal dumping for the past two years or more according to neighbors and was abandoned since 2011 according to Holcomb’s report.  This eyesore was consistently brought to light by neighbors and social media posts in an attempt, some claim, to shame the Village into action;  However, their lack of response resulted in only more garbage and debris being added to an already overwhelming amount. 

In what some call Holcomb’s “zeal” to make sure the residents of Sauk Village as well as the “perpetrators” can know that his Commission means business, Holcomb appears to have taken it upon himself to post a copy of the alleged “violators’ ” state identification card and her son’s social security card that he found in the massive amount of debris on two social media pages that he controls.  Neither of these documents had been redacted to “protect” the sensitive information from the public according to photos provided to us for this story.

Ms. Scott explained that she is in fact a victim of a crime; “I had my house broken into about a year ago and they ransacked it.  They destroyed my house and took my television and kids games and papers from my home.  Now this man (Holcomb) has stolen our identification and put it out on the internet for any criminal to use.  I feel so violated.”    
HOLCOMB holding a sign
stating "No Confidence"
"Reap What you Sow"
Protesting former Mayor
Lewis Towers
Asked how did she suppose her personal information got in the neighbor’s yard?  “Do they really think that I would throw a copy of my personal identification and my son’s Social Security Card out in the trash?  If I did, I have my own garbage can I would have used.  I pay my (water) bill” Scott said.  So how did her identification and her son’s Social Security card get in a heap of garbage next door?  Scott speculates that when her home was broken into, the perpetrator(s) may have dumped what they didn’t want next door with the rest of the garbage accumulating there.  Garbage was close and it was easy. “This man is supposed to be working for our Village, he’s a Commissioner and he did this?” Ms. Scott said. 

Asked if she thought Holcomb should resign for what he did?  “Yes, this was just wrong” Ms. Scott said.  “He doesn’t need to be over the Housing Commission.  He comes to your house he’s rude.   He’s going to tell me what he’s going to do.  The Village, I don’t know, they just need to get it together”  Scott said. 

Ms. Scott came to the Village Board Meeting Tuesday night to address her concerns to Mayor David Hanks.  Ms. Scott explained that she had been warned by Sherry  Jasinski, head of the Village’s Code Enforcement Department, that she was going to be issued a citation for dumping garbage on the vacant property.   “You need to get your kids and go clean up the property” Scott said she was told by Jasinski. “ I’m not going to get my kids and do anything” Ms. Scott said.  “The Village also said they were giving me and my landlord a $500 ticket for illegally dumping. I guess I get to pay for the criminals who broke into my home and stole my personal information and apparently dumped it next door.’   Hanks’ gave his standard response, “I’ll have to check into that”.  Attempts to reach Jasinski for comment this morning were unsuccessful she was not in the office when I'd called and the individual was having problems putting me through to her voicemail.

Ms. Scott said that she has filed a police report with the Village of Sauk Village Police Department and that she has also filed a report with the Cook County State Attorney’s office in Markham.  “Charges are not currently filed”, said Steve Campbell, a spokesperson for the State Attorney’s office. Ms. Scott has not yet determined if she will also file a civil complaint against both Holcomb and the Village of Sauk Village.

“She (Scott) never had talked to me she talked to the Police” Holcomb said.  Holcomb also said that Jasinski and another Code Enforcement officer had taken the photographs, but didn't elaborate on how he came in custody of the photographs.    "Her son told us that he threw the garbage in the yard” Holcomb claims.  “She (Scott) never asked for her I.D.’s back” Holcomb claims.  “Once this information is in the trash it’s public property” Holcomb contends.  Some believe that doesn’t make the actions of what Holcomb did right or ethical as a Housing Commissioner.  One resident said toward the end of the meeting “so if you get your house robbed and they steal things, is it ok to take pictures of your Social Security card and driver’s license and say look what I found”.  When questioned about this violation of privacy, Holcomb, unapologetically, removed his post as of Monday night according to his Facebook posts.   “The ID’s have been removed out of respect for the mother’s request”, he quips but continues with, “by law it was public knowledge once it was disposed of in the manner that it was placed” Holcomb said on his page.

“The Sauk Village police asked me to take down the post” Holcomb said.

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