Monday, January 9, 2017


Copy of Exhibit from Anderson v Williams
obtained from FOIA and Illinois Attorney General
Binding Opinion
SAUK VILLAGE |  The incumbent Village Clerk Debra Williams faces a formal challenge being filed by former Village Trustee Francine Anderson against Debra Williams's name being certified to be placed on the April, 2017 ballot.

Anderson states in her 33 page objection, among several other matters, that Williams accepted a check for $500.00 from the Village's Attorney Odelson and Sterk for her trip to Washington DC. for the Building One America Summit which began the "Travelgate" scandal.  Anderson contends that since the Office of the Illinois Attorney General  determined that the trip was in her "official capacity as Village Clerk" that the money should have been rightfully deposited with the Village and consequently, Williams owes the money to the Village.  Anderson cites the Illinois law and Illinois Supreme Court ruling stating that a person cannot be a candidate for office if that person owes the Municipality money.

Anderson also objects to certain notaries on the petitions filed by Williams as Williams notarized some of her own petitions as did another notary who signed Williams's petitions a violation of State law according to Anderson.  Anderson claims in her objection that this would leave Williams without the requisite number of signatures to have her name as a candidate for Village Clerk and she should not be certified for the ballot.

Williams, who could not afford to pay for the trip to Washington DC on her own dime in 2013, has  apparently hired a high profile downtown Chicago attorney to defend her to keep her on the ballot.  Anderson is stating that there is a blatant show of conflict of interest in the Electoral Board process if they should allow Clerk Williams' daughter, Trustee and now Mayoral Candidate Rosie Williams to continue to be a part of the Electoral Board process with charges against her mother.  Anderson filed a motion to recuse or exclude Rosie Williams from the Electoral Board and Debbie Williams is fighting that challenge as well.

"At what point do you say that this entire process is rigged" asks Anderson?  "When you have the daughter sitting in judgment over her mother, you know which way that is going to go", Anderson said.

Williams's attorney filed a motion to dismiss the entire matter at last week's hearing and Anderson expects that the Electoral Board will likely vote to dismiss the matter.  "Well, when you have an electoral board that is clearly biased, the results are a foregone conclusion" Anderson said.

"We will immediately appeal the electoral board's decision if they vote to dismiss the matter.  Rosie knows better, but this goes to show you what kind of ethics that this family has", Anderson said. 

The matter is being presented before the Village's Electoral Board at 6pm tonight at Village Hall.  The Electoral Board is comprised of David Hanks, Rosie Williams and Trustee Derrick Burgess who will also act as the "temporary clerk" during the proceedings since Clerk Debbie Williams is the subject of the challenge. 

Marva Campbell-Pruitt
While Williams may be on the April ballot, she will face a formidable candidate and the outcome of the election is anything but certain.  Marva Campbell-Pruitt has filed proper nomination petitions for Village Clerk and will challenge Williams one-on-one this April.   Pruitt did not challenge the validity of Williams' nomination petitions; however, she does intend on beating her at the ballot box.  Williams failed to gain 50% in a crowded field of candidates in 2013 but won a majority of the votes cast for her re-election bid.  Pruitt believes that the residents have "Williams fatigue" and are ready for change and to restore faith and trust in the office of Village Clerk.

Pruitt is running as an independent candidate for Village Clerk and said she is ready to restore confidence in the office of Village Clerk once more.  Pruitt plans on running a "progressive" and grass roots campaign for Village Clerk.

Pruitt currently serves as Vice President of School District 168 and revitalized the Village's current Beautification Committee in 2009 bringing back the time-honored "Hootsie Award" and annual village-wide clean up campaign. 



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