Saturday, August 2, 2014

WHO IS BEST AT SELLING A LIE? "Forward Motions" or "The Choice is Clear"?

actual campaign piece from 2009
Opinion Editorial
By Joseph Wiszowaty
Remember when Lewis Towers was running around with Debbie Williams (I know such a cute couple of something) saying “the Choice is Clear”?  Boy that sure sounded good!  Sauk Village was going to get some Lake Michigan Water!  Now I'm not here to critique Lewis Towers, after all he's gone. 

The Towers Team actually won! Now they had no plan and no idea what to do with it, how to pay for it or how to go about getting it!  But this was your leaders in 2009 pulling a big con-job on the residents of Sauk Village!  Catchy campaign slogans sure sound good during elections but similar to the last administration, David Hanks had no clue what to do once he got what he wanted and sat in the big boy seat!  Keep in mind he'd been sitting as a Village Trustee for 14 years!

Now I have been critical of this administration because clearly it is disengaged and not leading using  broad generalizations such as “Forward Motions” and you’ll hear David Hanks at ever meeting  say “things like that….”.  Here are some instances of  “things like that” which Hanks believes are  “forward motions”:


·         If home burglaries are down because criminals have already picked through a neighborhood and moved on to another, never mind they're still going on…That’s a “forward motion”!

·         If one of the thousand dead trees falls over during a bad storm and takes itself down… that’s a “forward motion”!

·         If Hanks can get 5 bobble heads to approve a budget which denies transparency and will likely cause an even bigger problem later… That’s a “forward motion”!

·         If you can give a huge tax break to a absentee landlord who doesn’t take care of their property and has refused to do so…. That’s a “forward motion”!

·         If you can con people into thinking the village is better off now when property tax rates are nearly double…  That’s a “forward motion”!

·         If you can send Village Clerk Debbie Williams, her daughter Rosie Williams and a friend a Village Vendor to Washington D.C.... (***CLICK HERE*** TO LINK FOR TRAVELGATE) and not allow for transparency and let the public know how this was paid for and more important who paid for it and then pay for the Village's legal team to fight to keep it private in spite of the fact the Illinois Attorney General determined you MUST provide it… That’s a “forward motion”!

·         If you pay independent contractors, that a Housing Commission (which is only suppose to enforce Fair Housing) contracted without the approval of the Village Board of Trustees, for mowing grass on vacant homes and pay them out of the water fund and nobody seems to really care that it’s illegal to do so the way they did it… That’s a “forward motion”!

·         If you can raise water rates and tell people you’re going to fix the old infrastructure with the money, then take the money and balance the Village’s budget… That’s a “forward motion”!

·         If Hanks can’t get black folks to come out and support his political agenda… he'll USE one of HIS bobble head trustees to drum up some support for him so he can give them some free hot dogs and water in a raggedy park…. That’s a “forward motion”!

·         If you can charge a punitive an capricious fine of $500 without due process to the victim because another state did not update their records.... That's a "forward motion"!

·         When you support one of your trustees who allows the community center to become a flop house destroying the place and smearing fecal matter on the walls… That’s a “forward motion”

·         If Hanks promotes another trustee’s Neighborhood Watch program that merely watches the increase in crimes in the neighborhood… That’s a “forward motion”

·         When you can support another trustee openly displaying the lack of reading abilities by residents’ children and promote it as a success… That’s a “forward motion”
When Hanks took over in November, 2012 he could have walked backward and things would have been an improvement from what was in there.  But one must ask, why were things so bad during Towers administration to begin with?  Well let’s take a look at the “political dynamic”.  Hanks sat on the village board and was, according to some media sources, Towers’ “main critic” and critical he was!  If Lewis Towers said the sky was blue, David Hanks would argue and call him a liar or stand over him and threaten to stick the gavel in Towers “butt”.  Sure Towers was a megalomaniac for whom I was equally as critical but no more than Hanks is an opportunistic, misogynistic, hedonistic liar!

Now I was informed that Hanks put out on his personal social media page that he’s actually going to run for re-election and wants people to support him helping him raise money!  Really?  This man is crazy!  He hasn’t done squat and wants people to rally behind him and his gaggle of idiots again?  Don’t be fooled twice!  These are anything but “forward motions”!  This is just political theater, orchestrated by David Hanks himself!  Don’t buy into the nonsense any more.

“Forward Motions” is about as muddy as “the choice is clear….” As Roger Peckham said in 2005, when David Hanks ran for Mayor and lost… “Don’t Drink the Koolaid” a throwback to the Jamestown mass religious suicide.   In 2009 the "choice was clear" and it wasn't...  Today we know Koolaid is not clear... and neither is the direction that Hanks has been taking the village! Well, I couldn’t agree more Roger... don't drink the Koolaid! 

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